Power Quality Monitor,APView500
Power Quality Monitor,APView500
This product consists of a dual ARM-core processor based on Xilinx SoC architecture, in which ARM1 runs embedded Linux, TCP/IP protocol, Http protocol, Web server, and storage, statistics and analysis of power quality data, and ARM2 is used for data sampling and power quality data calculation. The sampling rate is 1024 points per cycle so that it measures data more accurately and record the fault waves correctly. The imported 32GB eMMC high-speed memory chip can store events, fault waves and other data for a long time. With friendly HMI, an 800 * 480 pixels dot matrix large-size color LCD, users can monitor real-time waves and fault waves, and analyze faults easily.

稳态数据 Steady state |
电压、电流有效值 RMS voltage and current |
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频率显示Frequency |
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基波相角及矢量图Fundamental phase angle and vector diagram |
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实时电压电流波形显示Real-time voltage and current waveform display |
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有功、无功、视在功率、功率因数P、Q、S、PF |
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正向有功、反向有功、正向无功、反向有功电能Ep+、Ep-、Eq+、Eq- |
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电压、电流序分量Voltage and Current sequence components |
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电流、电压不平衡度Current and voltage unbalance |
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电压偏差Voltage deviation |
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频率偏差Frequency deviation |
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谐波 Harmonics (2-63次) (2nd -63rd)
电压、电流谐波有效值Harmonic voltage/current RMS |
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电压、电流谐波含有率Harmonic voltage/current ratio |
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电压、电流谐波总畸变(THD)Total harmonic distortion(THD) of voltage/current |
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电流总需求畸变(TDD)Total demand distortion(TDD) of current |
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电压、电流谐波相角Harmonic voltage/current phase angle |
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峰值因子Crest factor |
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K因子K-factor |
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奇次谐波畸变率Odd harmonic distortion |
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偶次谐波畸变率Even harmonic distortion |
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各次谐波电能Harmonic energy |
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各次谐波功率Harmonic power |
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间谐波 Interharmonics (0.5-62.5次) (0.5th to 62.5th) |
电压、电流间谐波有效值Interharmonic voltage/current RMS |
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电压、电流间谐波含有率Interharmonic voltage/current ratio |
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高频次谐波 Higher harmonics |
2.5kHz~8.9kHz |
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电压闪变(短闪变、长闪变)Voltage flicker (short-term flicker & long-term flicker) |
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电压波动Voltage fluctuation |
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快速电压变化Rapid voltage changes |
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暂态数据 Temporary state |
电压中断Voltage interruption |
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电压暂降Voltage dip |
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电压暂升Voltage swell |
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冲击电流Inrush current |
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瞬态 Transient state |
电压瞬态Transient voltage |
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电流瞬态Transient Current |
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事件记录 Event recorder |
暂态事件Temporary event | 暂态事件越限触发Trigger threshold of temporary event |
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稳态事件Steady event | 稳态事件越限触发Trigger threshold of steady event |
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工作日志Log | 记录装置操作日志、运行状况Record the daily operation and running conditions |
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故障录波 Waveform recorder |
事件触发录波Event-triggered recording | 故障波形前后周期可设置Settable fault wave period |
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手动触发录波Manual recording | 录波采样点数可设置Settable recording sampling point |
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定时触发录波Timed recording | 录波采样点数可设置Settable recording sampling point |
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上位机触发录波Host-triggered recording | 录波采样点数可设置(IEC61850协议支持)Settable recording sampling point (supported by IEC61850 protocol) |
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通讯 Communication |
IEC61850 |
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Modbus-RTU |
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Modbus-TCP |
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WebServer |
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对时 Timing |
GPS对时(IRIG-B)GPS timing(IRIG-B) |
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手动对时Manual timing |
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硬件资源 Hardware resources |
AI | 16 | 模拟量输入Analog input |
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DO | 16 | 开关量输出可配置Settable digital output |
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DI | 22 | 为无源接点,需要外接电源Digital input(passive contacts requiring an external power supply) |
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USB | 1 | 用于维护Maintenance |
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RS485 | 2 |
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RS232 | 1 | 用于维护Maintenance |
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GPS port | 1 |
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Ethernet port | 4 | 前面板1个以太网维护口,后面板3个以太网通讯口
1 port on the front panel for maintenance and another 3 ports on the rear panel for communication |
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